Who Ya’ Gonna Call?

When the entire system breaks down, and when there is apparently no justice to be found in the justice system, what is our next option, where do we turn?
I’m referring specifically, and most recently to the onslaught of information coming out on the ‘Clinton machine’; the WikiLeaks, that each day are revealing new violations of law such as the Clinton Foundation’s pay to play list of donors, the Podesta e-mails, Hillary’s link to the sale of arms to ISIS, the shocking attacks on the Catholic church, on today’s report on Drudge showing the headline on the front page of the National Enquirer “HILLARY HITMAN TELLS ALL”. And the Clinton team’s response to these shocking revelations, besides Hillary calling for the drone assassination of Assange, is, well, this is nothing more than Russian psyops!
When the Attorney General of the United States has a secret meeting with former President Bill Clinton on her private airplane just days before FBI Director Comey, who reports to the AG, comes out with the statement that there are no chargeable offenses committed by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and not so much as an eyebrow is raised in the mainstream press, who ya’ gonna call?
A good friend of mine, a real patriot, has been asking me that question for years; when looking at the corruption in our county, state and federal governments, that once uncovered, gets no action, nobody gets arrested, nobody goes to jail. His question; Who ya’ gonna call, ghostbusters?
Governor Kitzhaber resigns in disgrace, his common law wife under suspicion of criminal acts, indictments being considered by the justice department against Kitzhaber himself, and low and behold….NOTHING! He’s back on the speaking circuit.
The Clintons, who for years have weathered scandal after scandal after scandal; Whitewater, Travelgate, Vince Foster, Web Hubbell, Commerce Secretary Ron Brown’s mysterious death, President Clinton’s Impeachment and disbarring, the never ending sexcapades, and the body count that won’t quit, the consequences of which are time and again and again, NOTHING!
Then there’s Hillary, lying to a Senate Committee about her e-mails, swearing that she turned them all over and that none of them contained classified information anyway. Do you think for one minute that you would get a pass on this behavior? And how about Benghazi? Hillary was central in the scheme to create a false narrative about the terrorist attacks that occurred, which resulted in the loss of four American lives, and could have been much worse but for the heroic acts of our Special Forces under contract. Again, who ya’ gonna call?
And how about the O’Keefe recordings, have you heard these yet? This is huge, so huge that FOX News’s Shep Smith’s coming out as a homosexual, replaced it as the lead story this week. Yeah James O’Keefe of Veritas, the same man behind the taping of the Planned Parenthood baby parts wholesale business operation, now has tapes of the Clinton’s campaign operatives and the DNC, orchestrating and paying for provocateurs to cause violent outbreaks at Trump events. You must go listen to the tapes yourself! They admit, on tape, to actually paying the elderly and disabled to provoke violence at Trump rallies.
But hey, what’s that compared to some private locker room banter from 11 years ago about imaginary exploits with women?
No, we need to be very clear on this. What is at stake is who will be Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the world, who will chose the next Attorney General, who will direct a foreign policy that provokes conflict or promotes peace through strength, who will choose the next 2 (3) Supreme Court justices, and who will restore law and order, and some semblance of justice in this great nation?
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