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Morgan Sues County Clerk –Defies Term Limit Law

Roseburg, Or- Term limited Douglas County Commissioner Susan Morgan was in full campaign mode this past weekend according to several who were in attendance at the Roseburg Rod and Gun Club’s Gun and Knife Show at the County Fairgrounds. Morgan had her campaign brochures on display as she greeted voters in the Republican Party booth, despite the fact that she was not legally filed as a candidate at the time.  Monday September 21, Morgan attempted to file documents with the County Clerk’s office, seeking a third term as commissioner, despite being informed previously by County Clerk Patti Hitt that she was ineligible. Hitt who was absent on medical leave, told the Beacon she had left strict instructions with her staff, not to accept the filing from Morgan. Last spring Hitt retained outside legal counsel, seeking an opinion on the measure and determined that in lieu of any court ruling to the contrary she was duty bound to uphold the voter approved county ordnance. The cost to the county for that opinion was $5,000. Within hours of Morgan’s filing being refused by the Clerk’s office, she filed a lawsuit against Patti Hitt, in her official capacity as the elected Douglas County Clerk. Joining Morgan in her lawsuit against the county are many of Morgan’s former campaign staff and donors including; Lynn Herbert (former campaign manager, Morgan donor), Bill Markham (Former State Representative, Morgan donor), Norm Smith (former director of the Ford Family Foundation), Andy Owens Sr., Elin Miller (UCC Board), Georgia Stiles (former Real Estate Broker and Morgan donor), Keith Tymchuck (former Reedsport Mayor), Dotty Randall Stapleton (Owner TMS Call Center and Morgan donor), Chuck Ireland (Ireland Trucking, Morgan donor).  The lawsuit seeks to overturn the voter approved term limit measure passed in November of 2014. The plaintiffs allege in their filing that the measure, although vetted by Douglas County Counsel Paul Meyer as constitutional before authorizing signature gathering, is in fact unconstitutional.  John Parker, Chief petitioner for the measure told the Beacon that Meyer approved the measure before passing it on to the DA’s office for ballot title and wording. He said there was a statutory time period for anyone, including Commissioner Morgan to challenge the measure, but no challenges were made.  According to filings with the Oregon Secretary of State’s ORESTAR filings Morgan has spent $5,000 so far with the law firm of Harrang, Long, Gary Rudnick, PC, of Eugene, Oregon,  who filed the suit on behalf of Morgan and her associates. County Commissioner Chris Boice told the Beacon the county will have to defend County Clerk Patti Hitt and the county ordinance which was passed by nearly 70%. He said “that’s our obligation.” Commissioner Freeman did not return our call seeking a comment.  Susan Morgan also declined a request for comment.