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Solidarity gathering held for Lavoy Finicum and Ranchers

Roseburg, Ore-A gathering of about fifty people assembled on Garden Valley Blvd. in front of the BLM offices Tuesday February 16,  from about 4:00 to 5:00 pm in support of the Burns occupiers and in opposition to the killing of LaVoy Finicum by FBI and Oregon State Police.

Rally organizer, Loma Wharton, Co-Chair of Liberators 2004, said a group met about a week ago and decided they needed to “show support for these people who are standing up for the Constitution and demanding that the fed return our lands”.  She said the turnout was much larger than expected and even drew supporters form Coos Bay, Oregon.

The overwhelming response from the public was favorable according to Wharton. There were only two cars that passed that were at all negative, the rest honked and gave thumbs up in support of the protesters.

Wharton said “We wanted people to know that we are protesting the mismanagement of our land as well as the ambush and execution of LaVoy Finicum” who was killed on January 26, 2016. She said there were even cars leaving the BLM grounds that gave them thumbs up and they escorted two BLM officers across the street to get their coffee from Dutch Bros. and then back again.