Standing against Obama Visit

To the Grieving Families and Community Members of Roseburg, Oregon:
As a conservative Christian who was horrified by the recent shootings at Umpqua Community College, I extend my sympathy to each of you. I would also like to extend my support to all who are hesitant or definitely against visitation by Barak Obama. Although the supposed intention of the President is to console your families, I believe such a visit will bring more publicity directly or indirectly to unconstitutional legislation and attempts to revoke our 2nd Amendment rights. It is true that the office of the President of the United States DESERVES OUR RESPECT. However, I personally believe the PERSON filling this prestigious office MUST EARN OUR RESPECT individually . . . Obama clearly has not done so. He has done quite the opposite with unconstitutional executive orders, failure to lead our country on the world front, supporting an agenda that has resulted in endangerment of our law enforcement officers and military, supporting illegal immigration, lying to the public concerning many issues including health care and others too numerous to mention. Therefore, for those in your community who stand as a coalition and refuse to meet with the President, I applaud you. Stand on your principles. More true Americans need to do so. The United States of America is being destroyed piece by piece.
Thank you for your example,
Susan Lovelace
Spokane, Washington
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