UCC tragedy

As the media discuss the tragedy of our home amongst scholars and contributors, you feel an anger that goes beyond the shooting, its like someone left your door open and everyone is coming in your home and going through your personal belongings. The media stampeded half the local population to get to the gore of their story to share with the country. Don’t act like you care when you don’t. Just leave. Listening to the host on CNN speaking as though she is personally effected by this incident and then blaming what ever is trending for the loss of others. Almost a week later when all the gun control excuses are fading they finally see what we here knew already. It was not the gun laws or the sheriffs management of the county but, It was the parents who allowed this to happen. They knew of his stability issues and they knew and helped provide the guns to the shooter. The father’s interview was stunning as his European accent blames gun laws for the loss of our friends. He did not ask what did I do wrong as a father, no. His feelings of responsibility were not apparent. He must have felt his responsibility of parenting left when he did. As they interviewed him in California I was left with the feeling that this happened in Oregon by a Californian/European. Not blaming a Californian but the difference of cultures we have. Roseburg is not LA. The mother knew of and struggled with the shooters behavior before this occurred. In California it is politically incorrect to point out a person’s issues. They want tolerance and acceptance. We here as a small community respect one another but we do not tolerate abuse or accept it when it happens. Nothing was done by the parents to prevent it. Her love for her son was as lacking as her care of the ones who died because him. The father should accept his failure as a father and as a human being. With all the recent discussions after Sandy Hook of guns and mental health, the actions of the parents are no less criminal than the shooter himself. Obama can take blame as well and as much as anyone else. After Sandy Hook , Obama set into motion policies that may have been meant to do good and slow down the selling of arms across the country but the results were more devastating than anyone could have known. The word went out from the White House that all assault rifles and more were going to be banned. This set into motion the highest level of gun sales ever. All of the idiots that did not have a gun, went and got one because Obama stated he was going to take them away. The demand for assault rifles skyrocketed. The number of companies making guns were quadrupled after his statements. Every machine shop in the country started getting on the train of making firearms. Not bolt action guns but assault rifles that everyone claims to be more dangerous than all others. Now assault rifles are selling for 10 times what they where before Obamas threats. Now more people own assault style rifles than ever due to Obama’s threats. Gun stores and ammo manufacturers are producing more and charging more than ever in history. In the end Obama has done more to profit gun makers and dealers than anyone alive. We will see him ignore his part in this story and take a position above the rest of us. But he is just a responsible as anyone. We don’t need you to come here and say anything. You have done enough. The actions of Sheriff Hanlin from the start of the incident to now have been professional and what the local citizens expected when he was elected. The media reports that he (Sheriff Hanlin) stated in a letter after Obamas remarks after Sandy Hook he was not going to enforce the gun laws that were not within the constitution. The media criticizes him for it, but as they stand in the middle of our county, they forget that this is one of the reasons we elected him. His position and the majority of this county are not the reasons this tragedy occurred. We feel that this incident was brought to us by the political agendas of others, the lack of parenting, and the sensationalizing of murder by the media. The tragedy was enough to deal with, the media can leave now.
Dan Mahnke
Roseburg, Oregon
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