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Term Limits if we can keep them

In Nov. 2014, the voters of Douglas County, Oregon decided overwhelmingly (69+%) to place Term Limits on their County Commissioners. A current Commissioner is challenging the People approved Measure 10-134 now codified as Douglas County Code § 2.04.060. I am seeking donations for the exclusive purpose of paying fees associated with retaining representation for We the People and who may, with bias for the people, represent the will of the voters. More voters of Douglas County (about 2500 of about 38,000) voted exclusively for the term limits than the Commissioner candidates of 2014 combined. This was passed as a Citizen Initiative. Officials had to approve the initiative, a county paid attorney had to approve the initiative, the elected county DA had to write the ballot title and explanation and the people had a final 7-9 day period to challenge it after a public media posting of 3 days.... Not to mention the signature collection process. Help retain, for the people, an attorney who will represent them alongside or separate from the county hired representative. Any funds raised that are not used for representation or consultation fees, their approved media advertising, and other court fees and other related expenses will be donated directly to the Pacific Patriots Network made up of Oregon II%, Idaho III%, ORTAC, Oath Keepers of Josephine County and the Central Oregon Constitutional Guard. A Network of people helping their neighbors. Please visit us on our Facebook page at John Parker for Douglas County and find out how you can donate-- enter this fight to save your voice!
With Patriotic intent,

John R. Parker Jr.

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    This information is useful for all the residents.I think the all data is very informative and people must have a look here and notice this.This is really very informative and thanks for sharing this.
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