“By way of comment”

Ever notice how many times Commissioner Morgan uses that phrase at our weekly Wednesday morning commissioners meeting? It’s a lot! So hopefully she will understand the voter’s message that I’d like to remind Ms. Morgan of “By way of comment”. My comment: It seems strange to me that with Ms. Morgan knowing that the Term Limits Measure was passed by voters at almost a 3 to 1 ratio and with her knowing that the Term Limits Ordinance has been written, approved and passed into law, how can she think that Term Limits don’t pertain to her? Or does she think that she is above the law? And now her new lawsuit against Term Limits. What a big slap in the face to the people she supposedly wants to represent! This is utter disrespect for the will of the voters! I hope the 70% of voters who came together to pass Term Limits, can come together again now and give Ms. Morgan a call at 541-440-4201 and let her know what Term Limits mean!
Ken Wade
Glide, Oregon
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