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Commissioner Morgan receives an “F” grade

As many of you recall Susan Morgan’s midterm grade as commissioner was held in abeyance until it was determined whether or not she was going to thwart the will of the voters on the term limit measure. That measure that was passed by 70% of the Douglas County voters in 2014. On Monday she defied the term limit ordinance by challenging the will of the 70% and attempted to file her application to run for County Commissioner in direct violation of the term limit ordinance. The clerk’s office correctly rejected her application and Morgan immediately filed an action in court to contest the ordinance. She must have had her staff of attorneys (hopefully not on our dime) standing by with their previously prepared suit to walk from the Clerk’s office directly to the court for filing. There are a few questions that must be answered; first does Morgan think that she is above the law or possibly the county term limit ordnance just doesn’t apply to her? Second, the county’s two top attorneys Rick Wesenberg the DA and Paul E Meyer the assistant County Counsel reviewed the term limit measure before it was voted on.
The County has an obligation to the voters and their staff attorneys to defend the Clerk’s position for refusing Morgan’s application. Patty Hitt the Clerk has made it well known that she had obtained 2 opinions from reputable law firms that the term limit ordnance was valid at a cost of around $5,000 which came out of the Clerk’s budget. Finally, when the vote comes before the commissioners to fund the defense of the county ordinance will Morgan recuse herself from the vote or does she think that conflict of interest laws don’t apply to her either? This also brings up another quandary for the freshman Commissioners, whether or not to approve the funding for the defense of Morgan’s challenge to thwart the will of the 70%. Also questionable is the integrity of the DA Wesenberg and assistant County Counsel Meyers for reviewing and approving the ordinance if the ordinance is overturned. Tough decisions like balancing the budget with increased dump fees, park fees, department fees, reduction of services and now this. I feel confident that they will make the right decision and honor the will of the “people”. Unlike Morgan who shows utter contempt and disregard for the voters of Douglas County. It’s the “People” not the courts that voted for the Term Limits (emphases added), otherwise they are telling you your vote doesn’t count as Morgan is trying to illustrate with her frivolous legal action attempting to thwart the will of the people!

Larry Saccato
Roseburg, Oregon

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