Words Have Meaning

I have been watching, with increasing disdain and concern, the recent uptick in dialogue about “Climate Change”. When this psychotic depressed child from Sweden, Greta Thunburg, was thrust literally out onto the ‘World Stage’, from out of nowhere, at the United Nations conference, to boost the absolute fallacy of anthropogenic climate change, it energized and emboldened the leftists in a profound way.
The One-World globalists who are pushing this nonsense have been very effective in getting the discussion to almost always start, and end with, “it is settled science”, and the “vast majority of scientists agree”. When in fact they do not agree. And if they did, that is not even the point. Science is not a matter of consensus. It is based on data collection, then hypotheses, which undergo rigorous testing and proving, or disproving. Science is not undertaken by majority rule.
And the data definitely does not support the failed hypothesis of anthropogenic (man caused) global warming. We are in fact currently in a fifteen plus year cooling pattern. And further, the rise in CO2, if it is occurring, is at such a nominal rate that it could not have any effect upon our climate.
But even the republicans have bought into the left’s choice of words, and have, even if unwittingly conceded ground on the CO2 issue. According to Dr. Don Easterbrook, Professor Emeritus of Geology, at Western Washington University, “CO2 cannot possibly cause global warming” primarily because it is a trace gas which has only increased in atmospheric content by only eight one thousandths of one percent.
But when we use their terms like climate change and Carbon sequestering, we concede ground and ultimately lose the argument. We cannot afford to give them any credence for their fraudulent claims. One example I observed recently was at the Timber Unity rally on the Oregon State Capitol mall, where thousands were gathered to protest Governor Kate Brown’s notorious Cap and Trade bill. Timber and Agriculture were represented there, as they should be, for their survival and way of life are threatened by such regressive and costly legislative quagmires. But one spokesman for timber actually took the stage and started with, “we have to do something about carbon emissions but this isn’t it”. And that’s exactly the problem. Admitting or confessing to a crime that we haven’t committed.
This entire climate change discussion is based upon fake science, with no data to support it! And our only response should be to counter their lies with the truth. They are giving us false alternatives to solve a problem that doesn’t even exist. I don’t know how much more simply it can be put than that. It is simply a case of a solution in search of a problem.
There is no global warming, we are in a fifteen plus year cooling trend, and no amount of taxing the productive industries in this country will solve anything, period.
Climate Change is a hoax, from top to bottom! And those promoting it are trying to bring about economic collapse so that they can merge us all into one big socialist family. It is time to call them out on this fraud, every time it comes up, and not concede any ground!