Plant concert goes over like a Led Balloon!

Okay a few of you will have to indulge me this week with my stroll back down rock n’ roll lane. Last week we had tickets to a Robert Plant concert over in Bend at the Les Schwab Amphitheatre. The tickets were expensive, but we felt at the time, well worth it to see a legend from the early days of hard rock, the lead singer/front man for Led Zeppelin! Yeah I know for many of you, not your cup of tea, but bear with me the story will interest you.
It was a brisk October day in Bend, snow had fallen there just a week prior, but the skies were clear and as the sun set over the stadium it would reach a chilling 42 Fahrenheit. But all things considered I was in a good mood; following a nice drive up the McKenzie River highway, with fall colors bursting forth in the lush wooded corridor. We arrived in town, staying in the Old Mill District, had a magnificent dinner at Anthony’s (highly recommend this) and walked over the foot bridge to the amphitheater in perfect time to find our reserved seats and settle in for some great entertainment. Or so we thought.
In fact I had just remarked that the venue was so nice, very minimal security, unlike some of the concerts today with almost a lock-down mentality and waaay too much para-military feeling, searches, scans, etc. Not here though. So kudos to the Les Schwab Amphi-Theater folks! So there we were, the show about to begin, exchanging nice pleasantries with our neighbors seated next to us. Actually some very nice folks!
So after the opening act, the moment we had all been waiting for was getting near. The sun had gone down, and the down jackets were our sanctuary against the cold, as the stage lights came up, the crowd cheering in anticipation, roadies doing the last minute placements of equipment and mics, and then….the unthinkable happens!
Up on the giant fifty foot screen comes the ten times larger than life image and shrill voice of the new icon of climate change, Greta, from Sweden. The sixteen year old mentally unstable, psychotic prop from the Global Climate Show at the UN, assaulted us with her communist rant. As she points her finger at all the Zeppelin fans and sneers at us warning “change is coming whether you like it or not!”
The crowd responds, shouting turn that crap off! Yeah I helped, adding to a growing chorus of boooos! But it wasn’t all anti-Greta, several cheered for their climate comrade. Then it became a tense moment or two as the greedy capitalists who paid hundreds of dollars to watch this spectacle, began to yell at each other. So much for the nice chill…friendly mood of the pre-concert. Now we had a literal division of the house, or in this case the yard. People yelling back and forth at each other, as we all had to endure the babbling psychotic Swedish teenager. It is really sad that this disturbed teenager has been used as a prop to sell the false narrative of climate change.
But I will tell you this; I for one did not come to listen to this eco-BS propaganda! And how about this Robert Plant; you want to do something about CO2, Plant a tree! But don’t bring your FAKE science and fraudulent climate message to what you billed and marketed as a night of musical entertainment.
I might have expected this garbage at a Jackson Browne concert. But you crossed the line.
You committed fraud, just like the climate hucksters you’re pushing. Lots of people left the concert early, us included. We had these tickets for at least four months, and had looked forward to some great music. And on the subject of musical performance, Plant was very mediocre at best, his voice is gone, his new music is lackluster, and his performance dull. Maybe Keith Moon from the other British super-group The Who, was right when he first heard of the formation of the Plant, Page ensemble, stating this will go over like a lead balloon. Which actually inspired the name the band chose Led Zeppelin. And there was never a bigger Zeppelin fan over the years than yours truly…oh well…. times change.
Too bad these performers don’t stick to what got them their success in the first place. Oh, and how about a little respect for the greedy capitalists who support you with ticket and album purchases.
And how did you get her to America, which you sneered at? Did you row over in a canoe? No?
Private jet I imagine, like you boys used to fly around in all the time. So much for carbon sequestration! As far as I’m concerned Plant, you can stay on your side of the pond, sell your socialist dogma to your pals over there, but don’t bother coming back here.
I for one won’t be fooled again!
In fact I had just remarked that the venue was so nice, very minimal security, unlike some of the concerts today with almost a lock-down mentality and waaay too much para-military feeling, searches, scans, etc. Not here though. So kudos to the Les Schwab Amphi-Theater folks! So there we were, the show about to begin, exchanging nice pleasantries with our neighbors seated next to us. Actually some very nice folks!
So after the opening act, the moment we had all been waiting for was getting near. The sun had gone down, and the down jackets were our sanctuary against the cold, as the stage lights came up, the crowd cheering in anticipation, roadies doing the last minute placements of equipment and mics, and then….the unthinkable happens!
Up on the giant fifty foot screen comes the ten times larger than life image and shrill voice of the new icon of climate change, Greta, from Sweden. The sixteen year old mentally unstable, psychotic prop from the Global Climate Show at the UN, assaulted us with her communist rant. As she points her finger at all the Zeppelin fans and sneers at us warning “change is coming whether you like it or not!”
The crowd responds, shouting turn that crap off! Yeah I helped, adding to a growing chorus of boooos! But it wasn’t all anti-Greta, several cheered for their climate comrade. Then it became a tense moment or two as the greedy capitalists who paid hundreds of dollars to watch this spectacle, began to yell at each other. So much for the nice chill…friendly mood of the pre-concert. Now we had a literal division of the house, or in this case the yard. People yelling back and forth at each other, as we all had to endure the babbling psychotic Swedish teenager. It is really sad that this disturbed teenager has been used as a prop to sell the false narrative of climate change.
But I will tell you this; I for one did not come to listen to this eco-BS propaganda! And how about this Robert Plant; you want to do something about CO2, Plant a tree! But don’t bring your FAKE science and fraudulent climate message to what you billed and marketed as a night of musical entertainment.
I might have expected this garbage at a Jackson Browne concert. But you crossed the line.
You committed fraud, just like the climate hucksters you’re pushing. Lots of people left the concert early, us included. We had these tickets for at least four months, and had looked forward to some great music. And on the subject of musical performance, Plant was very mediocre at best, his voice is gone, his new music is lackluster, and his performance dull. Maybe Keith Moon from the other British super-group The Who, was right when he first heard of the formation of the Plant, Page ensemble, stating this will go over like a lead balloon. Which actually inspired the name the band chose Led Zeppelin. And there was never a bigger Zeppelin fan over the years than yours truly…oh well…. times change.
Too bad these performers don’t stick to what got them their success in the first place. Oh, and how about a little respect for the greedy capitalists who support you with ticket and album purchases.
And how did you get her to America, which you sneered at? Did you row over in a canoe? No?
Private jet I imagine, like you boys used to fly around in all the time. So much for carbon sequestration! As far as I’m concerned Plant, you can stay on your side of the pond, sell your socialist dogma to your pals over there, but don’t bother coming back here.
I for one won’t be fooled again!