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A resurrection in the making…

I read something in a FaceBook post from a pastor I am unfamiliar with, Mario Murillo.

“Today, as I prayed, a strange and unexpected phrase leapt into my spirit, “Trump is about to have his Winston Churchill moment.” It stunned me because it seemed so inappropriate in the light of current events. This is no time for cheerleading or political grandstanding. We are in lockdown!”

Pastor Murillo went on to say that President Trump was about to show us more of the New Yorker in him.

“He is a New Yorker. I have always loved New Yorkers. My favorite area to preach has always been New York. My preaching doesn’t scare them there. The New York side of Trump is about to make an appearance. That thing that’s in the water that makes the pizza so great, is also in Donald Trump. You want to get something done? Tell a New Yorker it’s impossible.” 

He made a very interesting point about the “Churchill moment”. But Mario drew the absolute opposite conclusion as to the form of Trump’s Churchill moment than what concluded.

“He will inspire us to pay the price. So what if we have to sit at home and wait it out? So what if we have to risk our economy in order to defeat this menace? The fear is unwarranted. But the sacrifice is doable.” 

Churchill, like Trump, had the deep state, members from his own party, as well as the opposition party, at his throat, nonstop from the moment of his swearing in. Parliament and Neville Chamberlain wanted Churchill to surrender and cut a deal with Hitler. He decided to fight instead, and the people were with him. His decisive actions literally saved England and all of Europe. Just  as Trump’s decisive actions will be required to save America and the free western world from the globalists who are bent on destroying both. But Mario  interprets that as ‘staying the course’ and as I see it, hiding in fear from the virus.

That’s not the New York, Trump way, hell; it’s not the American way! We will face it head on, not shirking in a corner. Just as we’ve faced every other threat or challenge in our nation’s history.

President Trump was damned from the get-go with this Corona thing that was formed against him and us. Do too little and you’re endangering lives, do too much, and you’re endangering even more lives and the entire wealth of a nation.

The president has walked a tight rope, and no matter what he has achieved, as for the party of hate and disruption, it can never be enough. He has had to rely on dubious statistics, and computer modelling, both of which have now fallen suspect.

According to the CDC reports as of April 7, 2020 the new reported cases has fallen to just one yesterday (4-6-2020). And they had peaked on 3-26- 2020 at 8,321 new cases that day (see charts on front page). But you have heard none of this.

Not one news story has revealed what is actually happening on the ground across the U.S.

It is going to be very difficult for the state to release its absolute authoritarian grip it holds over everyday ordinary working Americans.

There are still nine states with no lockdowns, and those are all states with Republican governors.

According to the government’s IHME Covid Tracking, projected need for hospital beds for April 5, 2020 were set at 179, 267 beds, but actual beds in use on that day 22,158. The projections were 800 % higher than the actual numbers. Same thing for ICU beds, projected at 33,176 while the actual number in use that day was 5,207.

The projections were 640% higher than needed. And ventilators projected at 26,544 were actually only 656 in use, a discrepancy between projected and actual of 40.5 times.

What the agencies who have reported the hospital counts have done since the decline is stopped reporting them altogether. Meanwhile the economic chaos left in the wake of the shutdowns continues unabated, in fact new restrictions mount daily.

It looks as though President Trump’s original target of returning to normalcy at Easter time wasn’t far off at all. And it looks like there may be a resurrection of the American way of life soon.

The data suggests we’ve turned the corner, and that also we’ve been played.

Trump’s “Churchill moment” will come as he unleashes the power and the courage of the American people and beats these globalists at their own game. And as Americans……we shall never, never, never.... give up!