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Terrorist Attack at UCC

I do not think the killer chose the room randomly where all the carnage occurred. As soon as I learned the instructor, L. Levine, was Jewish I knew in my heart the he chose that room because the teacher was Jewish. There are only several Jewish instructors at UCC as Roseburg has a very small Jewish population. Mercer did not ask Levine “Are you a Christian”. No he shot the man in the head and then in cold blood systematically began killing those Christian students who rather than deny their faith, were willing to die.
It is so painful to imagine the hurt of these parents who sent their sons and daughters to college just three days before to begin a new chapter in their young lives.
I am revolted to have read on the internet that the LA TIMES called Mercer a white Supremacist. He is not white. He has an African mother and a white father. This makes him bi-racial. He was raised by his mother and was living with her in Roseburg these past two years.
Could it be that he is a terrorist with leanings toward Radical Islam, as well as mentally ill? The attack was well planned. Why did the U.S. Army discharge him after only a month? This is a question that needs to be answered.

Rhoda Mozorosky
Roseburg, Oregon

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