Thumbs Up to First Responders!

There can be no way to adequately express our sorrow and condolences to the families who lost family members or who had a family member who was injured or just there. You are each in our prayers and thoughts and will be for a long time.
I cannot begin to express how proud I am of the Emergency Responders in Douglas County. They did their job in a professional and outstanding manner on October 1, 2015. Anyone who listened to the 911 traffic or recordings must be impressed with the calm, cool, collected voices of those responding to a call such as that. I offer my Thanks and prayers to each and every one of them. They were professional and compassionate in a dangerous horrific situation.
Sheriff Hanlin, I watched each and every press conference that you conducted. I believe without doubt that you handled the News releases better than any other official I have observed in a similar situation. I believe that you were polite, and firm in your convictions, and that on each topic you were right on. I believe your ability to keep the focus on the incident and the people involved should be a lesson to all who have such responsibilities. I applaud your comments about keeping an open mind until the information has been compiled before offering solutions. Everybody that I have talked to since this incident have commented in a positive manner on your actions.
Douglas County, the next time you see a County Deputy, City Policeman, Fireman or ambulance driver, give them a thumbs-up; they did and continue to do a hell of a job.
Kerry Hutcheson
Roseburg, Oregon
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