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Thumbs Up to First Responders!

There can be no way to adequately express our sorrow and condolences to the families who lost family members or who had a family member who was injured or just there. You are each in our prayers and thoughts and will be for a long time.
I cannot begin to express how proud I am of the Emergency Responders in Douglas County. They did their job in a professional and outstanding manner on October 1, 2015. Anyone who listened to the 911 traffic or recordings must be impressed with the calm, cool, collected voices of those responding to a call such as that. I offer my Thanks and prayers to each and every one of them. They were professional and compassionate in a dangerous horrific situation.
Sheriff Hanlin, I watched each and every press conference that you conducted. I believe without doubt that you handled the News releases better than any other official I have observed in a similar situation. I believe that you were polite, and firm in your convictions, and that on each topic you were right on. I believe your ability to keep the focus on the incident and the people involved should be a lesson to all who have such responsibilities. I applaud your comments about keeping an open mind until the information has been compiled before offering solutions. Everybody that I have talked to since this incident have commented in a positive manner on your actions.
Douglas County, the next time you see a County Deputy, City Policeman, Fireman or ambulance driver, give them a thumbs-up; they did and continue to do a hell of a job.

Kerry Hutcheson
Roseburg, Oregon

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    Its very sad post we are not able to understand the sorrows of those women who lost their family and who has the family members but they are injuries with badly condition so we must think about this and help these people this latter very important for every person who read ...
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    Social wrongdoing rate and murder cases are expanding step by step. Presently individuals are more baffled that can be a prime cause in the expansion in the wrongdoing rate. Paper composing and numerous different news demonstrates that the need of time is to take strict measure thus the underlying driver of ...
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